Even though I am known for doing long, sexy, Victoria Secret hair, I also have clients who might not have that type of hair. I've always considered myself an equal opportunity hairstylist, as long as they could afford me of course. But on the real's, besides my Hollywood beauties that I have been servicing for the last decade, ( I mean servicing their hair), I have an extensive male clientele that requires the same amount, if not more attention than my ever so beautiful female circle. Fortunately B. The Product was created and developed around both men and women so even if your in the to high and tight haircut, you can still benefit from a product like my Tacked. Great for hold, shine, and of course, that beautiful fragrance. The Tacked smells so good he'll have a bigger smile when he gets home to the wife. Did I mention using B. The Product gets you more sex? Take it from me, it does!
You can purchase the Tacked and the rest of the B. The Product line now at